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Construction Committee 092707
Minutes of the Library Construction Committee
Town Hall

Present:  John Christiansen, Kelly Collins, Pam Czekanski, Brent Gates, Joel Lindsay, Richard Marks, Roland Ochsenbein, John Rodenhiser, Chris Rogers, Mickie Simpson, Chris Sterling, Bob Zak.

Absent: Bill Strapko

A quorum being present, Roland called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.

Richard Marks presented for payment two invoices (numbers 2896-070824 and 28296-070932) totaling $5,484.50.  Pam motioned to pay the invoices (second, Joel; unanimous in favor).

Richard reported the results of his search of DCAM records for our two finalists.  There were no files on Lerner Ladds + Bartels, and one on Beacon.  The latter gave the firm a score of 3.02 out of 4.

Per the committee’s request from the last meeting, Richard contacted three non-librarian references for Beacon.  He will write these up, but summarized verbally as follows:
·       Wright Dickinson, chair of the building committee at Medfield Public Library.  Beacon met all expectations, is an excellent firm, and brought the project in with very few change orders.
·       Sally Giffin, chair of the building committee at Falmouth Public Library.  Beacon delivered the project on time.  Giffin rated Adams & Smith “superior” and noted their extensive knowledge of libraries.  She rated Beacon “very good.”
·       Bob Cox, superintendent of public buildings in Shrewsbury.  Beacon worked for the city on a small job.  Their personnel were good listeners and did a good job.
Overall, these additional references were positive on Beacon, and on Adams & Smith in particular.

Referring to our meeting tonight at 7:25 p.m., Richard said that tonight we are looking to the Selectmen and Board of Library Trustees for affirmation of the committee’s recommendation of Beacon/Adams & Smith, followed by Lerner Ladds + Bartels, as our nominees for designer, and to authorize us to begin contract negotiations with Beacon. Richard explained that Beacon has issues with the contract, specifically with items they feel are outside the scope of their fee (e.g., geotechnical, traffic study, IT design, hazmat study, and security design).  Richard said that our next job will be to come up with a budget for these items, which he estimates will be between $20K and $25K.  Ann Hurd, who was also present, noted that the Capital Campaign Committee has received a gift in kind for IT design.  Richard suggested that he, Jodi, and Roland work to negotiate the contract for designer.

Richard noted that he estimates the design will take 6 months, and construction will take 14 months.  He estimates our opening in September 2009.

Richard introduced the topic of moving the library, noting that the budget falls into two categories: project costs and nonproject costs. Kelly obtained four estimates, the lowest of which ($8800) is from National Library Relocations.  Richard explained that there are three ways to move a library: 1) volunteers only (which is free, inexpert, and can be sporadic); 2) involuntary volunteers (i.e., inmates); and 3) professional movers (which has a cost).  Bob Zak noted budgetary tradeoffs (spending more on X means spending less on Y), and said that while the Board of Trustees is sympathetic to the idea of hiring movers, they must also consider the cost.  Ann Hurd stated that the Capital Campaign has yet to reach its goal and referred to the “Friends’ money.”  Richard stated that there is one pool of money from three sources (town, state, and Friends), and that all expenses are to be taken from that pool.  Ann suggested having an “offline conversation” about finances.  Richard offered to bring up the subject at a future LCC meeting.

At 7:25 Roland reminded those assembled that it was time to meet with the Trustees and Selectmen; thus this meeting was declared adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Collins
Director of the Library